Let's Create Your Customized Content Plan -
in a 1:1 Strategy Session
Turn your swirling ideas into 8 - 10 weeks of strategic content, designed to reach your specific goals.
In this 1:1 Strategy Session we take all that swirl and...
- Translate your brilliant ideas into a step-by-step content plan
- Ease-ify actually creating the content so you (or your VA 🙌) can put it into play
- Remove the invisible weight of sorting through it all on your own
Ahhhhh - can you feel the relief yet?
Let's get your plan done ✅Any of this feel familiar? ⤵️
🍥Your brain gets spinny from all the big concepts & magic dust you naturally create! Having so much to say makes it exhausting to create a simple plan
🧶You know you're "supposed to" use content strategically, but when you try, it turns into a jumble of yarn that's tough to untangle.
👀 Working alone isn't getting you anywhere. You don't wanna hire a copywriter or agency but dang...you could really use an expert's eyes on this stuff.
Save yourself hours with an expert sorting through it with you
...Not to mention taking notes for you!
Walk away with a strategic, creative plan designed to meet your business goals...
That works specifically with your style, needs, & personality.
Whew! Let's cross it off the list so you can move on already. ✅
(Let's ease-ify this thing.)

These Content Planning Sessions were invented because..
⚪️ Your brain thinks in big ideas & broad concepts.
⚪️ My brain thinks in ladders & steps.
⚪️ When we work our magic together, you walk away with a plan of exactly what to say in your marketing...
⚪️ So you can stop overthinking it, get to the doing, & reach your goal.
*I don't hold anything back in these sessions. You'll learn how to apply this to anything you create in the future.
Ready for 1:1 support? ⤵️
Let's get your plan DONE ✅How the whole thing works:
❶ You click the button to choose your time & complete the intake form
❷ I get prepared to collaborate with you & create your content plan*
❸ We meet on Zoom. I ask Qs, you give As, & I take notes so you walk away ready to cross "Plan my content" off your list!
*Most clients walk away with 8 - 10 weeks outlined in our 55-min call.
You receive notes, a summary & a transcription capturing every gem that came outta your mouth!
That'd be me: Jen Liddy 👋
As a Brand Message & Content Strategist, my specialty is pulling your brilliance out & translating it into strategic messaging & content your audience connects with.
As a former English teacher & professor, I deeply value the power of information.
BUT! You've already got TONS of information...
What you need now is FACILITATION: someone to personally collaborate with you to make it all work - simply & easily.
Seriously - how much easier would marketing be with a planning partner to harness your thoughts, create crystal clarity, and get a freakin' plan in place so you can get to the good stuff already?

“I've seen Jen run a group workshop & also had the luxury of working with her 1:1.
She can pull out and polish a key idea that's buried in your work, in seconds. I've seen her do it over and over again. Jen's a word wizard.
What I love most is how Jen can take what you've already created and reinvent it in so many useful ways, to save you tons of time and get waaay more eyes on your hard work.
Jen can take something ho-hum and give it a jump-off-the-page hook!”
- Kelly Clark, The 10 Principles - Unlock Your Happy Weight!

"Jen is generous with sharing the nitty gritty of how to get the things done that drive you crazy. No one tells you how to do them, they just say, "Do this".
When I don't know how to "Do that" I feel like a failure in my business.
But I can ask Jen ANYTHING & I never feel stupid while asking her. She's like a library of information I can tap into & get the help I need".
- Shauna of the Star, Energy Alchemist, & Psychic Reader

"My content was all over the place. I didn’t know how to get my expertise out of my brain and into the world!
Jen's methods give me guidance to stay focused & organized.
My content has a purpose now!
Every time I use it I realize how much I have to offer in terms of content."