At some point, every day, I hear a version of:
- I don’t want to ‘do’ marketing
- I hate social media
- I don’t want to make time for content
We’re worn down by incessantly having to market ourselves, and it affects how we’re able to show up for & grow our own business.
If you feel tired simply thinking about marketing & content creation:
I’m not gonna attempt to change your mind by reminding you how lucky we are to have direct lines to speak to our audiences & more ways to reach them than ever before.
You don’t need that.
When you’re in this place, YOU NEED A SHIFT.
This week, I’m starting this conversation with the biggest complaint I hear:
First, let’s clear up something:
Social media is a TOOL. It’s a tactic as part of an overall marketing strategy.
Content does not = social media.
Marketing does not = social media.
We USE social media in our content + marketing.
If you’re feeling USED by social media, you might recognize yourself:
- You’re in a personal ethical battle about whether you’re perpetuating greed & big business, not to mention patriarchy, misogyny, and racism, simply by having an Instagram ACCOUNT.
- You tell yourself you only use it for business but wind up sucked into Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, never getting anything accomplished, feeling resentful towards the platform, the ads, the groups - and most importantly - judging yourself!
- You get an email with a question that needs an answer, which you need to get into your social account to find. Once there, you lose track of your original purpose & wind up in the ethers of time and space - and emerge 97 minutes later WITHOUT AN ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION.
^If this is you, here are some options to help you get to a more neutral place when using (or choosing) social media:
1. Is social media honestly necessary for your business or your life?
Could you opt out, realistically? Or at least reduce? What would happen (I’m not being snarky) if you opted out?
*When you consider this question, what comes to mind? How do you feel?
Are you actually angry you’re so reliant on it?
Are you simply tired & need a break?
Does it bring you joy to think about letting it go?
Listen to what you’re hearing from yourself. What do you need to change? What’s realistic?
And if you choose to not use socials, what’s your audience attraction & connection model? (There are plenty others.)
Remember - there isn’t only ONE way. But what’s the best way for you - realistically?
2. Set an intention to be SOCIAL & intentional - not passive - in your usage.
Remember that engaging, sharing thoughts & insights, commenting on social posts, and helping with your message is not NOISE. It’s connecting.
How often are you actually connecting?
How often are you using social media to be social?
When I get to the screaming-in-my-head place of I FREAKIN’ HATE SOCIAL MEDIA, it’s time to stop thinking about “using it” to grow my business and just go back to connecting with the people I actually LIKE.
This leads me to point #3:
Make your feed YOURS. Hide, unfollow, & block the people and ads that deplete or enrage you. You’ve heard this before, probably around the last election.
But have you done it lately with your social accounts?
Have you clicked off the ads you no longer want to see?
You don’t have to be a victim to social media: put your content where you LIKE being, engage with who you WANT to engage with, and block what drives you nutso.
Create boundaries so you don’t get pulled into old habits
Set a timer. Honor the ‘ding’. Pull yourself off after 10 minutes. Get your fix on TikTok, then get out. Scroll for 10 minutes on Instagram Stories or Reels, then click out.
Put a sticky note on the screen: “Going in for updates from my Mastermind group”. Remember why you’re there for this session.
Whatever it takes, HONOR THE DING.
Ask yourself, “How can I get to a more neutral place in my thinking about marketing + content creation?”
Because the “I hate marketing”, “Social media sucks”, and “I resent that I have to do this” thoughts are depleting you.
Can you get off completely?
Can you scale back?
Can you find an aspect of it enjoyable?
We’re heading right into the holidays - is this a good time for you to take an intentional break?
Good content marketing begins with your mindset - it sounds trite, but it’s true.
If all you can think about & engage in is how much you hate it - and resent it - and loathe it…that energy will zap your success.
What’s ONE thing you plan to do to deal with your exhaustion, depletion, and resentment towards your content marketing?
Make it realistic. Make it intentional. And make sure you have a plan for audience attraction & connection that works for YOU & your business!
PS: One way to make content creation for socials EASIER is having a PLAN…
Yes, yes, I know you’re creative & hate planning, but this system is simple & takes the sting out of it all.
I’ve been told over & over that “it changed my LIFE!”
Download it here: https://www.jenliddy.com/planner.
PPS: the best part? There’s no upsell anywhere in the entire sequence!