The free, live Step Off the Content Dreadmill Training + Replay has passed!

- Sorry you missed the live training on 10/6/22.

Want the full system, including  examples + templates + bonus trainings I didn't have time to share in the free, live version?


Click below to be taken to the page that outlines how you can plan your next 4 weeks of content strategically -


using the sustainable, realistic system my clients use to plan, create, & repurpose their content -


**Fully customizable, strategic, & designed for creative minds & people who loathe/resist/dislike planning!

Click here to go to the Batch & Repurpose Page

Catherine Bailey, Think or Blue

Before working with Jen, my content was inconsistent & all over the place. I felt like I had to wait for something really brilliant to strike me.

Jen’s system of planning makes it 10x easier to plan & create content & feel confident doing it.

Now I don’t sit down at my computer and feel clueless or stressed! It’s so much easier with this method!

Yeah yeah yeah- you know you “should” put your content out there ‘cuz it’s a non-negotiable in online business today.

HOWEVER - planning it is the WORST for you! 

You’re super creative & your brain doesn’t always like planning.

Even when you make a plan, it feels so random…and never really works anyway!

Can we talk about the content churn: a MORE MORE MORE monster you can’t sustain!

You're "supposed to" SHOW UP! Be yourself. Be authentic...

WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? The very idea of it all exhausts you.

And even though you wake up every day with the best intentions, you put your head on your pillow at night thinking...

“Ugggg, I never got around to…”

  • Posting my offer
  • Emailing my list
  • Recording that video
  • Writing a blog
  • Sharing my POV on LinkedIn…

The Good News:

Creating content can  - *dare I say it *  - be simple.

Step Off The Content Dreadmill

You walk away with a 100% do-able, rinse, tweak, & repeat strategy to create at least a month of content that's

  • In your voice & personality
  • Purposeful & intentional - no more trying all the tactics, on every platform, wondering “Whyyyyyyy tho”
  • Doing the heavy lifting to meet your biz goals 
  • Gonna wring more mileage out of every piece (Think: you DO less)
  • On brand for your brain, style, & personality
  • Exactly what YOUR audience needs

Marisa Corcoran, The Copy Confidence Society

“I’ve never seen repurposing communicated as simply & as effectively as Jen’s system.

As a former teacher, she has this beautiful way of breaking concepts down into doable steps.”

How does this training work?

Ok - being honest: I see a LOT of overly-complicated, hard-to-comprehend nonsense taught about ‘how to do content.’

As a former high school English teacher & college professor *polishes apple*, I know it doesn’t have to be this complicated!

I created this simple-to-get, easy-to-implement system in a LIVE training to give you a customizable planning strategy for your content - 
Because good content is good content, what you’ll learn is completely transferable across platforms - written, audio, or video

Wouldn’t it be soooo freakin’ great to…


  • Stop endlessly churning & create in a way that’s not about just putting something out there
  • Get your ideas outta your head! Whether you’ve got all or none of the ideas, you’ll see how to harness them & get ‘em out the door, so you can connect with your audience
  • Honor your style! “Do content" in a way that feels right for your personality - without feeling performative, bullshitty, or like you're on display 24/7



Understand how to STOP posting for posting’s sake - and create content that intentionally calls the RIGHT people into your world!

Cady Henry, Cadysitting

"My content was all over the place. I didn’t know how to get my expertise out of my  brain and into the world!

Jen's method gives me guidance to stay focused & organized.

My content has a purpose now! Every time I use it I realize how much I have to offer in terms of content."

Frequently Asked Questions