Lessons and Mistakes - The View From Inside a Real Launch

I made a weird choice when I opted for a 6 - 8 week launch of my Content Creator’s membership this summer…
Honestly, I thought doing it this way would be easy -
(it wasn’t) -
and I made lots of mistakes…
You know I like to be transparent in my content, so I’m sharing some No BS lessons I hope will be useful for your business -
whether you plan to launch an offer in the next month, quarter, or year!
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I made a weird choice when I opted for a 6 - 8 week launch of my Content Creator’s membership this summer…
Honestly, I thought doing it this way would be easy -
(it wasn’t) -
and I made lots of mistakes…
You know I like to be transparent in my content, so I’m sharing some No BS lessons I hope will be useful for your business -
whether you plan to launch an offer in the next month, quarter, or year!
First up: Reality Check:
My dream is to grow my membership to 100 people.
It opened February 2021 - with 34 members at the time of re-launch.
Only 4 people have left since February, telling me most members feel served with the support they need.
Concept proven - time to grow.
Here’s the reality check part: to grow from 34 to 100 members, I’d have to add 66 new members.
And if I only wanted to do it using my email list, I was delusional.
What you need to know: My email list is small: I grew it from 700 to 1150 by the time I launched mid-June…
By industry standards, ~1-2% of the people on your list will convert to customers during a launch, which means I could expect 11 - 22 people to become new members.
Turns out those numbers don’t lie:
✅ I welcomed 16 new members into my program by the last day of my launch!
Now that’s nowhere near the 66 I need to reach my ultimate goal of 100 members…but it was right on track given the size of my list!
(And given that I didn’t do much else to fill this program.)
To onboard 66+ people & reach my goal, I’d have to do a lot more work to leverage other audiences (using relationships, podcast, socials, Pinterest, Youtube, affiliates, referrals - )
Or build my list to 7000+.
Am I sad that I ‘only’ added 16 people to my membership? HELL NO! I am so thrilled - my goal was 20, and I didn’t feel burned out at the end of it!
There’s only one thing I regret about this launch, and I’ll tell you about that next week.
Until then, think about your own goals for launching YOUR offer -
Understanding our numbers REALISTICALLY is an EYE-OPENER! You don’t need to feel shame for having a small list, not wanting to tap dance all over the internet to make it happen, or not wanting to spend THOUSANDS on Facebook ads!
- What offer would you love to sell?
- How many people need to see this offer to convert? (Do you know what YOUR conversion rate is?)
- What do you need to focus on: List growth? Social presence? Developing affiliate relationships?
- Is your content focused on growing relationships, helping your audience see they need you, and outlining the benefits?
^^These are the things you want to focus on before you jump in!
I know it’s easy to want to focus on ALL THE THINGS, but that will drain you.
Streamline your thinking & get focused on the most important aspect so you can see the needle move forward!
Ok, part two of the lessons I learned:
Like you, I don’t know anyone who embraces Marketing BS…
I loathe tactics like made-up scarcity & would rather go out of business than use fear tactics to get someone to buy something.
Therefore, I decided on a nice, slow, leisurely launch for my membership program this summer.
I didn’t want to rush people into making a decision because I actually did NOT have an end date in mind for when I’d close the doors!
In my mind, this launch was a ‘summer fling’ & I was gonna take my time, enjoy the ride, and close it when I felt like it.
Bad Idea. SO dumb.
1. People make decisions & take action pretty much only when there’s a deadline.
This is especially true for the ‘boring’ bits of business, like content creation & (according to my lawyer friends) - legal stuff.
Think about your life: if you’ve got visitors coming next week, when do you clean your house? NOT A WEEK BEFORE!
If you’re like most of us, you’re putting away the vacuum & tidying up the piles as they pull into the driveway!
Since I usually email my list once a week, every call to action had to be sell the membership. That’s not how I like to roll.
I wanted to share OTHER news & resources but couldn’t because I had to use all my content capital on this launch.
3. Here’s the part that I REGRET THE MOST: I fatigued my list, and that…ugh, that’s the worst part to me.
I lost about 50 people who unsubbed, even though I gave them the opportunity to opt out of the launch emails.**
My being up front, transparent & offering opt-outs didn’t stop the frustration for some.
On the day after the launch, one woman couldn’t take it anymore & screamed at me IN ALL CAPS to delete her from my list.
The worst part? She was responding to an email that wasn’t selling anything - just encouraging her to have a wonderful August.
Ultimately, the bulk of new members came the day of the cart close -
ZERO came in after that ‘last chance, I’m going to bed’ email that went out at 9:30pm EST.
So, FYI: if you think false scarcity sucks, I agree. Don’t use it.
But - create scarcity for yourself because a long, drawn-out launch without any closing, deadlines, or scarcity will EXHAUST you -
and your audience.
Last, and probably MOST important when preparing for Your Launch Realistically: let’s talk Launch Energy
In my personal life, many moving parts sucked up my energy & kept me from what I “should’ve done” to launch my last program:
A webinar, challenge, or training - all in the name of activating my audience to join my membership.
But with a family house sale/move, some health challenges & injuries, mental burn out…
Well, I had no OOOMPH left to pull off a big push to initiate my audience, a ‘best practice’ in MarketingLand.
You know the drill: you provide lots o’value for free, show your audience what’s possible, & let ‘em see you as the solution to their problem.
They sign up for your thing.
Let’s talk openly about Launch Energy - what it REALLY takes to put an offer out there successfully…
Because in addition to planning your activating event, training, challenge, webinar, etc…
- Consider what you ALREADY did to create the offer it’s going to sell :
- Brand/logo/colors/etc.
- Research & outlines
- Write/create/recording
- Edit/tweak/upload - LORDY all the tech…
- Oh! Name it & price it.
PHEW! You’re probably plumb tuckered out, right?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could now put it out there & it sells itself?!
If only! Now you need a…
- Sales page - let’s not lie: this is a giant pain in the ass & can take endless hours. I don’t care how good you are at it.
I’m a strong writer, but all told, I poured 20+ hours into mine.
**Next week I’m gonna break mine down for you so you can see what works & what doesn’t!**
- Checkout page: are prices correct & all tech working?
- Double-check every sales page button goes to checkout & works.
- ‘Thank you’ landing page.
- Welcome email sequence once people JOIN - make that onboarding smoooooth!
- Triple check links & tech connect!
Grrrrr - we haven’t even talked about marketing to sell your program - emails, social posts, IG stories, videos, webinar, reminders, etc...
Are you still awake? Have you passed out?
You know I’m in the business of transparency, so let’s not LIE: There’s a LOT. You’ve gotta have the ENERGY.
But don’t give up your dream of putting your offer out there: simply use this as a reminder go into your launch understanding all the moving parts -
so you don’t commit to things you “should” do - but maybe “can’t” do -
for whatever reasons - Time. Energy. Money. Vision. Help. Support.
This’ll keep you from thinking “I suck” if you get a different outcome from what’s “promised” out there in MarketingLand.
You don’t suck at all. You’re wonderful! What you provide your audience & clients is so very needed in the world.
Make sure you give yourself the space to create & promote with ENERGY!
Xo, Jen
PS: Make it as SIMPLE as possible…especially if you don’t have a team.
This is a great place to thank my team - Jessica & Rochelle - without them, I’d be nowhere. SO much love to you both. 🧡
Thank you to my Business BFF Claudia Schalkx, marketing genius, who brainstorms with me every week! Is it time to plug the marketing holes in your business, get on a free call with her. She’s VERY generous with her help & knowledge on those calls.