Your business is NOT an English Muffin

I’ve been having some fun with my Content Creation Studio members, reminding them that,
Your business is not an English Muffin.
Therefore, content + marketing doesn’t belong in the nooks & crannies of your life!
Lemme ask you -
Have you ever banged out an Instagram post while waiting for dinner to heat up?
or recorded a YouTube video in the car at school pick up -
Don’t get me wrong - these tactics are NOT a problem unless you’re thinking this is your content marketing STRATEGY.
So let’s be clear: these are not strategies - and throwing out a post, email, or podcast every little while does not an audience make.
We have to make ROOM for content.
You have to THINK about marketing.
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I’ve been having some fun with my Content Creation Studio members, reminding them that,
Your business is not an English Muffin.
Therefore, content + marketing doesn’t belong in the nooks & crannies of your life!
Lemme ask you -
Have you ever banged out an Instagram post while waiting for dinner to heat up?
or recorded a YouTube video in the car at school pick up -
Don’t get me wrong - these tactics are NOT a problem unless you’re thinking this is your content marketing STRATEGY.
So let’s be clear: these are not strategies - and throwing out a post, email, or podcast every little while does not an audience make.
We have to make ROOM for content.
You have to THINK about marketing.
Shooting off a random email to your list because you had something to say -
And realizing it’s been about 3 months since anyone heard from you -
Will not get you the ROI you hope it will.
This is a crappy-flavored pill to swallow - but if you want your voice heard -
attracting an audience that craves your content and buys your programs, services, and products -
YOU NEED CONTENT MARKETING that consistently connects with your audience.
So, how do you plan, create, & publish with regularity…especially if you’re an
I HATE PLANNING…I’m a rebel maverick…1000% spontaneous kind of person?
Well, TBH, I’ve met manymanyMANY anti-planning rebel mavericks. They admit they’re often frustrated AS HELL that they never get their content out there…
{Because what they have to say is sooo good & juicy.}
The antidote to that frustration?
Making it YOUR OWN.
What’s YOUR strategy? What tactics do you love? What do you hate?
Also - what planning style will work for you.
There’s two things that work against us when it comes to customizing & personalizing strategy, systems, & tactics:
1. Different industries have told us over & over again that there’s ONLY one way to do something…
What a lie. Even when I’ve bought a plug & play system or a set of scripts, they never work for me.
And I’ve spent a LOT of money on this stuff over the year. I always have to make it my own.
Why not just do that from the start?
2. It’s funny how our brains seem to be wired to seek out that one right way:
Maybe you even do this thing I do when someone I know has achieved a goal that’s on MY list:
I immediately think, “Oh. Hmmm. Maybe I should do that. Lemme figure out HOW to do that RIGHT NOW.”
Since they’ve actually achieved something I want, I assume their way MUST be the right way.
Of course, it’s simply A right way, not necessarily THE right way for me.
Take the weight loss industry:
- Some tell you to lose weight with KETO.
- Others by not eating gluten.
- People swear that Peloton is the answer.
- Plus - there’s w whole movement trying to get us to STOP trying to lose weight!
Whatever your goal is, there’s NO ONE RIGHT WAY to get there.
Same same same for creating marketing content for your business.
Yes, yes, yes you already know it’s vital to have a content strategy customized to each of us.
But how do you customize AND make it easier?
Well, again - consider YOU, your needs & preferences:
Maybe you hate being on video, but everyone says you NEED VIDEO!
It’s the ol’ Get your ass into the station wagon NOW or we’re leaving without you! threat.
But I DON’T WANNAAAAA go on VIDEOOOOooooooooo.
I mean, insert whatever marketing platforms you don’t like using: blogging, podcasting, socials, emails…
You can’t be consistent on a platform you hate using a tactic that makes you uncomfortable!
*Sure, video is “it” for some. Maybe once you get your sea legs under you - creating content IN A WAY YOU LOVE - you’ll get there.
But first, step 1: Consistently create & publish.
Not shockingly, that’s ^ the toughest thing for my particular brand of clients & audience.
Because …
no matter HOW much I teach about creating great content, the #1 thing they struggle with is CONSISTENCY.
“Just tell me how to plan, create, & publish with regularity?”
…without feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or full of shit?
(The full of shit thing is real. What if you have nothing to say this week?)
THIS THIS THIS is why I finally {halleluiah!} created a digital version of the customized planning method I take my Studio members through every single month:
It’s called The Batch & Repurpose Your Content Planning System and it’s finally available to anyone who’s looking for a personalized consistency system -
So I created this customizable planning system that even the MOST CREATIVE & spontaneously brilliant creator can make their own:
I made it 100% realistic with lots of examples (for both service & product based businesses). Step by step, easy-to-consume digital trainings.
It’s $37, and for podcast listeners now through 10/31/21, you can have it at a 25% savings as a HUGE THANK YOU -
Your frustration with creating consistently is why I finally {FINALLY!!} created a digital version of this.
I know this system works because I take my Content Studio members through the whole thing LIVE every single month, and we plan their content together.
If you’re a do-it-yourself kinda person grab it at $27 at
Remember, there IS no one right way to create & plan content -
but there IS a right way FOR YOU.
Your voice is so vital - and your people need you - so however you create consistency, it’s time you show up for your audience…
Build your audience….
Sell to your audience…
OH! Omg I knew I’d do this. I almost forgot: it INCLUDES
3 bonuses:
- Over-my-shoulder, watch me repurpose a blog into an email & a bunch of social posts.
- Checklist: 5 things you can stop doing right now to make content easier
- Here’s my FAVORITE:
Grab it at
Your business is not an English Muffin.
Therefore, content + marketing doesn’t belong in the nooks & crannies of your life!
See you next week, and as always, thank you so much for listening!