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How Can I Connect with My Audience? marketing advice

Whyyyyyy is content marketing so freakin’ challenging?

That’s easy: it’s because there’s no one right way to “do marketing” and no one right formula for creating good content that your particular audience craves!

Marketing feels slippery because:

  • Nothing...
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How Do You Marketing To Your Ideal Client? marketing advice

My sister has a superpower she gives away for FREE:

helping high schoolers get into their dream college!

(It’s a favor she does for neighbors & friends. Fingers crossed she’ll do it for my kiddo in 3 years!)

I constantly tell her, “Tracey! This is a BUSINESS waiting to be...

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One Huge Shift That Brought Her Five Clients marketing advice

On Friday, I went through a bunch of my client's content and gave them feedback. 

That's one of the things that we do inside the Content Creator Studio Membership

And one of my clients had a sales page that looked really clean, really beautiful, very, very easy to read. 

It was...

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Is your story too boring to pitch to the media? marketing advice
***Read all the way down to the end for a link to a great little pitching tracker you can use to keep your pitches organized!

When you’re the female George Clooney of London, flying around the world with an “Up in the Air” job requiring you to fire people everywhere you...

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Why "You're So Awesome" Is a Terrible Review For You marketing advice

Let’s talk about what happens when you see a review that someone has posted that said…

“You're amazing, you're magical, you're so awesome.”

It's nice, right?

 Like you might feel great for that person. Happy that their clients love them, but it's not a review that...

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When you burn down the perfect funnel & walk away from a well-oiled machine marketing advice

The online marketer’s dream:

  1. Your perfect funnel works so smoothly & seamlessly that people flow into your program… 
  2. You keep them as raving fans who buy other things you offer…
  3. You learn what works, implementing industry standards set to rinse & repeat.

So when...

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When You're Bottlenecked & Stuck marketing advice

Last week, I took my son on vacation to visit a friend, and so he was off all day, enjoying Florida and doing things. I told myself, I'm just going to sit by the ocean and get a whole bunch of stuff done because I had writing to do, content to create, programs I'm working on, and every day I...

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Do this BEFORE your next launch - a pre-launch marketing strategy that feels good  marketing advice

 It’s 2014, and I’m the co-owner of a fitness studio, where clients are asking for branded tank tops - like NOW! 

My best friend & business partner Leslie & I take 2 different paths to serve them - 

I go online & order tank tops with our logo on them. DONE....

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What REALLY keeps me from creating content that works marketing advice

“How can I leave them hanging?! How can I tell them they have a problem and not solve it for them?”

These words spew forth from the ruthless inner dictator living inside my client Jennifer Sherwood’s mind. 

Fixing things for others was a hobby Jennifer had perfected in...

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Coming to Terms with How to Do Short Form Content marketing advice

“Give yourself permission to suck at something new.”

This golden nugget came from a great boss of mine in 2009, & I use it weekly.

Aaaaaand - not gonna lie: while giving myself “permission to suck” - DOING something new is really freakin’ hard

Right now,...

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The breakDOWN before the breakTHROUGH: Why I wasn’t being productive in my business marketing advice

Do you ever feel like everything you want to bring to life in your business takes sooooo freakin’ long?

Not only is there just a lot to do to make something real…

But the struggle of having to sort through too many ideas is real & has been plaguing me for MONTHS now. 


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What If You're Really Creative? marketing advice

Highly creative people tell me they LOATHE planning, so they don't do it. If not planning works for you & gets you the results you're looking for, I say GO FOR IT. But if it's keeping you in a crazed loop of day-to-day scrambling, I have an idea for you to help get you out of that...

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