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Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

Have you ever been sick of yourself - or someone else?

Have you ever been sick of yourself?

Like, everything is shitty and if you could just clear the decks and start over, you’d get it right this time?

I’ve tried this. Done it with jobs. Food. Exercise.

Some people do it with social circles or friend groups....

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A Weird Request: please start wasting time this week!

This is ridiculous, but one of my favorite ways to waste time is to PLAN.

I love sticking my nose in my phone’s calendar to plan future outings, dates, experiences.

Often I don’t actually HAVE the dates, experiences, or outings I desire because I waste so...

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Sick of yourself? What to do when you can't get anything done

I’m guilty of overstuffing my brain. I’m kind of addicted to it.

I lerrrrve online courses! And when I’m listening to podcasts or reading books, I don’t feel like I’m wasting time.

I feel like a student – and a good student this...

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What's REALLY stealing your energy - and it's not other people...

Written on

Back in the olden days of 1980-something, my dad complained the thousands of decisions he’d make each day at work.

I’d think, Jeez, Dad. Poor you. How hard is it to make decisions all day long? 

To me, it sounded like a luxury! I mean – kids...

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How do you know when it's time to give up?

After you take a swim test at camp, you get a bracelet – the color indicates your level.

Red = you can’t swim without a life jacket.

Yellow = you need a lot of monitoring.  

Green = FREEEEEDOM!!! 

Jack, then 9-years-old, got – GASP!...

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How losing $225K wasn't actually a failure

A client recently commented on my past “failed business.”

The one in which I was 20% owner for almost 4 years, working 60 – 70 hours/week.

It never made enough to pay me.

I gave back my 20% ownership last summer, giving up more than $200K in...

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How 23 minutes can change your life

My phone tweeted & chimed & buzzed & sang all day long, alerting me about

  • texts
  • Messenger
  • Facebook
  • weather
  • email
  • Groupon
  • Phone calls

Phone buzzed? I’d salivate, pick it up, & satisfy my hunger.

Sooooo easily pulled away from writing a...

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Is it possible to have a business AND a life?

I was doing something I’d never done before. We had 9,000 square feet of wide open space in our fitness studio, and I was dancing

It was the first time in two years that I felt free enough to do anything like this. I’d put down my work, cranked up...

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Why being perfect sucks (and I should know!)

When I was little, I had a massive girl-crush on my Auntie Sue. She told me she’d rather have a messy home & a happy family. Huh?

Our house was always spotless. Four kids. Two adults. One dog. One guinea pig. One bathroom.

Didn’t having a clean house...

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Is it possible time is your enemy?

You want something. I just know it. You’ve been…

  • trying to lose weight for years now.
  • saying you want to be a more present parent.
  • fantasizing about a different career.
  • plotting finding that perfect relationship.

Then, suddenly, BAM! You find yourself...

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How to fix stressed out people

My hubs was stressed out. Withdrawn & crabby isn’t his usual state, so I knew it was my job to fix it & bring him back to normal.

In my childhood, my mom was often in the same kind of mood. It looked different on her, but when she was angry, irritated,...

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That time I was an A-Hole at TSA

Nothing good happens at 4:30am, right?

Well, at 4:30am on the first day of Winter Break in Syracuse, people are trying to escape, and there is a one-hour-long line snaking for TSA.

People start to…you know…uh, be human. Ignoring rules, cutting in line,...

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