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Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

A Painful Lesson from a WANTrepreneur

Maybe you’ve noticed: people in your life seem to always have an opinion about what you do, how you do it, and maybe even WHETHER you should do it!

I’ve learned how to deal with this the hard way.

And I’ve learned that there’s also an easy way to deal with it. Want to know...

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How she went from stay-at-home mom to successful entrepreneur - and still has a life

Imagine a young woman working in the fast-paced world of Manhattan advertising & marketing. She moves into the world of fashion, styling rock stars and celebrities.

It’s glamourous. Exciting. Fast-paced. Perfect for a 20-something.

Now imagine she relocates to Upstate New York and...

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Zillions of Brilliant Ideas - Scribbled in Notebooks with Tina Stinson, Health Coach & Owner of Healthy Balanced Living

Tina Stinson is a creative thinker - which you would know if you could see the million notebooks where she keeps her zillions of ideas!

As a health coach, Tina knew she wanted to help busy women heal their bodies & thrive with a plant-based, whole-diet.

She teaches them to feel empowered...

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Comparison (Almost) Sent Me Into A Spiral Of Despair

Last night I was at a party and while I was there I had an epiphany. I realized that no matter where I go, men and women talk about the things that they want. They make plans, take action, or they’re even not in action! But at this party, we were talking about our homes, bodies, and how we...

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The Gift of My Husband Leaving

My husband left - again. On Mother’s Day.

No, no, no. Don’t misunderstand. It’s not what you think --

Five times a year, he takes college students to different cities, visiting flourishing businesses & teaching them what it’s really like to be an entrepreneur.


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The Confidence Mistake

The UPSIDE DOWN way I created confidence wasn’t working anymore.

Here’s what I figured out about it & HOW TO CHANGE THIS PROBLEM!

Waiting For Confidence

This week, in my group coaching group, we’ve been talking about what confidence really is and what it looks like. The...

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Want more clients? Here’s how you get them…

In my group coaching program, one of my clients wants to develop an entire workshop. She knows that when she gets this set up that she can use this for content. It can be a blog, social media posts, etc. But she wants this workshop to attract her more clients. While we were going over it, we...

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What To Do When the Rules are Constantly Changing

It’s not an exaggeration to say that a year ago, I was afraid of Instagram.

 Do you use Instagram?

 Personally, I was loath to get on another social media platform. I’m a Facebook user and like it to connect with people, gather information, & share my content.

But I...

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A little strategy to help you bloom inside & out…

You’re stuck & tired of being stuck. I am too.

There's somewhere in all of our lives where we feel a little stuck.

And other places where we're simulatenously rocking it out!

You can use BOTH of those to help you get what you want.

Today I share a story of an inspiring lesson from a...

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Four Steps to Get What You’ve Always Wanted

We all suffer with THIS problem below, in some way:

You SAY you WANT a thing. But your ACTIONS say something very different.

Examples? Ohhhhh, so many. Here you go:

WANT: fit into my pants again
ACTION: fail to eat clean

WANT: widen my social circle
ACTION: fail to accept any invitations


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She didn't have PLAN - but she knew she wanted something...MORE w/ Sharmin Wengender

Feeling a little low? A little lost? Want to learn how to make ALL the leaps you need to make - even if you're scared? Meet life coach Sharmin Wengender! Her story will inspire you & you'll feel like you got a private life coaching session. I promise - watch this woman and you WILL FEEL...

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How Annie Got Her Groove Back - and how you can too! (A lovely success story!)

Have you ever cheated - on yourself?

You know -  say you’re going to DO something, but then don’t. “Never get around to it”.

By the time I meet most of my clients, they’ve cheated on themselves HUNDREDS (maybe thousands) of times…

They SAY they want it...

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