Listen to the Content Creation Made Easy Podcast

Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

The couch that suffocated me

In the long, long ago, when I was a high school teacher, I brought incredible energy to my high school students e’ry damn day.

I loved them, my colleagues, and the work. I loved it so hard that I brought a couch into my classroom so my students would have a...

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The big lie about asking for help

Mike sat across from me, stumped by the hypothetical situation I’d put him in.

He’d had ZERO trouble with all the previous situations I’d presented.

“Someone important to you needs care. You think…” How can I help? What do I have...

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How she went from zero to $50K to $100K in 60 short minutes!

Today a client said something she didn’t mean to say out loud. Then she clamped her hand over her mouth.

It came out of her mouth and made her gasp, “Where the hell did that come from?!”

She had merely said, “I want to make $50,000 a year from...

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When you forget to ask yourself this one little thing...

A fantastically fierce colleague of mine is writing a book, building her business, and developing her community. She helps women discover their voices and step into leadership. She is a shark: moving constantly and a force to reckon with.

Her energy is endless. Others...

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I know I'm smarter than this. How'd I get here again?

You want something. I just know it.

  • You’ve been trying to lose weight for years now.
  • You’re saying you want to be a more present parent.
  • You’ve been fantasizing about a different career.
  • You’re plotting that perfect relationship.


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Why your magical dust is needed in the world

Your Magical Dust is Needed

When women create money doing the things they LOVE, the world becomes a better place.

When they don’t have to think things like, I can’t afford it.  I have to ask my husband.

Or, I want that, but I can’t...

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Do You Know About the Awful Before the Awesome?

Sometimes I meet someone thin and think, “She has no idea what it feels like to be overweight. She doesn’t get me at all.

Have you ever done this?

Like, at the lowest point in your marriage you meet a woman happy in her relationship and think, “She has no idea...

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How To Get The Space To Bring Your Idea To Life the idea space podcast

I want to tell you a little bit about who I am and what this podcast is about. The Idea Space has been created for you a place for women to get what they need to help them move forward toward that thing that they want. It's a place to create the life you want, by bringing the dream that's been...

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