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Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

What Is A Marketing Strategy with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia

What if you could play to your STRENGTHS in marketing, instead of thinking you have to overcome your weaknesses?

Marketing is a lot of energy; creating content takes a lot of time.

Let's do them BETTER, so we don't have to do MORE.

Better marketing. Not more.

HOW's that sound?

Today marketing...

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Your business is NOT an English Muffin content creation made easy

I’ve been having some fun with my Content Creation Studio members, reminding them that,

Your business is not an English Muffin.

Therefore, content + marketing doesn’t belong in the nooks & crannies of your life!

Lemme ask you -

Have you ever banged out an Instagram post while...

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Are You Taking Your Audience Too Far? marketing advice

The other day, a client was telling me that she had to explain herself a lot for people to get what she actually does.

Then when she explains it, it takes a little while.

But people are finally like, "Oh, I get it!"

And I was like, "Tell me what you say to them."

It turns out the way that she...

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What About Your Lead Magnet? with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia
Is a lead magnet necessary? I mean - do they EVEN WORK?
Have you tried to create lead magnets, opt-ins, freebies -
WHATEVER you want to call it -
And gotten no traction?
Yeah, welcome to the club! Today Claudia Schalkx, marketing expert, & I are talking about what...
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Yes, Virginia, you can easily batch & repurpose your content

When someone talks about their success in a realm I want…

I immediately think, “Oh. Hmmm. I should do that. Lemme figure out HOW to do it exactly that way RIGHT NOW.”

Since they’ve actually achieved something I want, their way MUST be the right way, right?

Of course,...

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Lessons and Mistakes - The View From Inside a Real Launch content creation made easy

I made a weird choice when I opted for a 6 - 8 week launch of my Content Creator’s membership this summer…

Honestly, I thought doing it this way would be easy - 

(it wasn’t) - 

and I made lots of mistakes…

You know I like to be transparent in my content, so...

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What If You Have Two Audiences? with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia

Sometimes you have an offer you'd like to share with an audience that's a BIT different from your MAIN audience-

Or one that's COMPLETELY different!
You've done the work to nail down your buyer's persona, understand their language, pain, & desires -
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The Truth About Publishing A Memoir

All month I’ve been talking ‘bout getting you to talk about RESULTS…

Now, the ultimate result of your hard work is that you put something out in the world…

(Anything from a simple Instagram story to a complicated digital course, summit, conference, or book!)

Your efforts...

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Inside Scoop on Bringing a Book to Life with Patty Lennon content creation made easy

It’s scary to go from having an itch, desire, or dream to bring a THING - a course - a book - a product -

into the world…

It can feel ALIVE for you - a ball of energy asking to be brought into the world…

SO you MUST DO IT, right?

AND it’s incredibly scary - requiring courage...

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Feeling Overwhelmed With Your Marketing Strategy? with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia
You know how sometimes you want to burn it all down? Trash the whole thing?
HIDE HIDE HIDE and just give yourself a freakin' break?
Creating content can feel like an endless DREADMILL of grinding out work...
So sometimes - we just want to STOP. 🛑
But - CAN...
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Are your skills holding you back? marketing advice

An old friend sent a FB message: “Hey! Long time! Need to update my LinkedIn bio ‘cuz I’m working on a promotion/new job. Can you help me?”

Hmmmm, I’m great with writing & words. I excel at pulling ideas out of people’s minds & making it sound just like...

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How To Know The Value Of Your Services When Pricing Them with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia

Pricing our SERVICES is one of the hardest decisions entrepreneurs have to make!It's more difficult than pricing products because it's TOTALLY subjective to calculate the worth of your advice, expertise, and value of your TIME.

As if all that wasn't enough, all kinds of GARBAGEY thoughts populate...

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