Listen to the Content Creation Made Easy Podcast

Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

She figured out law school + parenting, so why was marketing so hard?

You secretly (not-so-secretly?) resent having to market yourself & wish people would just FIND your amazing product, service, book, podcast without having to shout it on Pinterest, Facebook groups, and email - everywhere, all the time!

You loathe those stupid DMs that come into your Instagram...

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She just didn’t want to anymore - A success story about opting out with Kristin Kreuder content creation made easy

On this week’s podcast, client Kristin Kreuder - a lawyer and real estate agent, who was also homeschooling her kids AND trying to run an online network marketing business -

talks about the struggle to market her businesses.

She was “all over the place” and wanted it to work but...

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Why Does Marketing Have To Be Pushy & Gross with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia
Is a lead magnet necessary? I mean - do they EVEN WORK?
Have you tried to create lead magnets, opt-ins, freebies -
WHATEVER you want to call it -
And gotten no traction?
Yeah, welcome to the club! Today Claudia Schalkx, marketing expert, & I are talking about what...
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At some point, every day, I hear a version of:

  • I don’t want to ‘do’ marketing
  • I hate social media
  • I don’t want to make time for content

We’re worn down by incessantly having to market ourselves, and it affects how we’re able to show up for & grow our own...

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I’m SO SICK of marketing myself content creation made easy

Though I love content creation & have LEARNED to lean into loving marketing, I 100% feel the pain of my clients & audience when they say,


We’re worn down by incessant marketing. So if you feel tired simply thinking about marketing & content...

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Two Marketing Myths We Want To Shed Light On with Claudia Schalkx
What's the HARDEST part of marketing for you?

Is it a PAIN? DO you feel like you don't know what you're doing?

it's also the last thing you have time for, so sometimes it gets done half-assed or not at all.

Helllooo! We feel you. We know it. That's why today we're talking about 2 marketing myths...
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Let’s Create HUMAN Marketing, Copy, & Content marketing advice

Sometimes I think, “Holy crap. The month’s OVER. Blergh, I need more content again.”

Now, if I’m the person teaching, loving, & creating content, and even I feel this way, then what the HELL must my audience feel? 

Exhausted. Confused. Drained. Resentful....

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Creating Copy that feels HUMAN: Content designed for YOUR personality! content creation made easy

Can you "do content" if you're highly introverted, think marketing feels performative, & are reserved or private?

YES - but HOW?

Today Jen talks to Ariana Joy, a copywriter who teaches us how to create copy, content, & messaging that's 100% customized & specific to YOU.

YOUR specific...

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What Is A Marketing Strategy with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia

What if you could play to your STRENGTHS in marketing, instead of thinking you have to overcome your weaknesses?

Marketing is a lot of energy; creating content takes a lot of time.

Let's do them BETTER, so we don't have to do MORE.

Better marketing. Not more.

HOW's that sound?

Today marketing...

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Your business is NOT an English Muffin content creation made easy

I’ve been having some fun with my Content Creation Studio members, reminding them that,

Your business is not an English Muffin.

Therefore, content + marketing doesn’t belong in the nooks & crannies of your life!

Lemme ask you -

Have you ever banged out an Instagram post while...

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Are You Taking Your Audience Too Far? marketing advice

The other day, a client was telling me that she had to explain herself a lot for people to get what she actually does.

Then when she explains it, it takes a little while.

But people are finally like, "Oh, I get it!"

And I was like, "Tell me what you say to them."

It turns out the way that she...

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What About Your Lead Magnet? with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia
Is a lead magnet necessary? I mean - do they EVEN WORK?
Have you tried to create lead magnets, opt-ins, freebies -
WHATEVER you want to call it -
And gotten no traction?
Yeah, welcome to the club! Today Claudia Schalkx, marketing expert, & I are talking about what...
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