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Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

She didn't have PLAN - but she knew she wanted something...MORE w/ Sharmin Wengender

Feeling a little low? A little lost? Want to learn how to make ALL the leaps you need to make - even if you're scared? Meet life coach Sharmin Wengender! Her story will inspire you & you'll feel like you got a private life coaching session. I promise - watch this woman and you WILL FEEL...

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How Annie Got Her Groove Back - and how you can too! (A lovely success story!)

Have you ever cheated - on yourself?

You know -  say you’re going to DO something, but then don’t. “Never get around to it”.

By the time I meet most of my clients, they’ve cheated on themselves HUNDREDS (maybe thousands) of times…

They SAY they want it...

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Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome Take Over

Feel like you’re behind so you can’t start? You don't know enough YET, so you're an imposter...

Who are you to start a business? To teach something to others?

Oh my gaaaahd, I struggle with this too. And today,

I channeled my mentor teacher from 20 years ago...

My 29-year-old self...

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How to do SOMETHING when you love EVERYTHING! w/ Kelly Covert

Kelly and I bounce ideas off each other a lot over chai lattes. She’s one of those people that can inspire you I hope to get your idea out in the world. Kelly started as a professional musician, teaching flute, and running races. There was a common thread between these three activities that...

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What Would It Be Like To Just Stop Struggling?

Last night my best friend Leslie & I were talking about weight. Weight loss. Frustration. Body Image. Blahdey blah blah.

All the things surrounding the topic of weight.

How I’m tired of struggling. How she’s tired of struggling.

What would it be like to just stop struggling?


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What Will Happen If Your Worst Doubts Come True?

Some people think that because I’m confident that I don’t struggle with doubt.
Sure. Ok. I am confident. I show up as myself.


AND I struggle with doubt!

I worry that I’m not gonna get where I want to go. That I’ve hurt people along the way.

I worry that I...

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What's the difference between giving up and giving in? w/ Leslie Smith

I’m really excited to introduce you to my best friend Leslie Smith. Not only is she my best friend, but is also my former partner in my first business. Together, we learned a lot together and we could do a whole video on how it was working with your best friend. In this interview, we keep...

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Do you have a BIG BUT standing in your way?

I bet you have a big BUT.

I talk to people every day with big buts.

Every day!

And their buts get in the way!

I want to make a change, buuuuut

I want to start my business, buuuut

I want my business to stop sucking the life out of me, buuuuut.

But..I don't have time.

But.. I...

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I always say, “We make changes when we’re SICK of our OWN BULLSHIT.”

And if there’s something you’ve wanted for a long time and have pushed down, something you’ve been resisting taking care of -

Then you might just be SICK of your OWN BULLSHIT right bout now.

Maybe you see that you’re in resistance somewhere. Maybe you know that the thing...

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An old, tragic story lives in my head...does it keep me safe or limit me?

Some Stories Keep Us Safe

I spent a lot of time with my mom’s best friend Beverly. She told me this story about someone who was once driving on the freeway behind a semi-truck carrying a load of used cars on a carrier trailer. Well, something happened where the carrier broke and the cars...

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What if you have a job that's GOOD but doesn't quite fill you up? w/ Amanda McKinney

Meet Amanda McKinney - a marketing coach for yoga teachers who learned how to make the transition from solid job to scary personal business.

Learn her tricks & shifts to implement in YOUR life - as you transition into something you LOVE!

Meet Amanda

Currently, she’s a marketing coach...

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Have you ever had a toddler-like mental meltdown with yourself?

Like, there’s something you have to do - you know you need to do it - but you’re so resistant to it that your brain brings up excuse after excuse why you don’t want to, can’t, or just simply won’t?

I don’t know anyone who HAS NOT experienced resistance of some...

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