Listen to the Content Creation Made Easy Podcast

Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

How to Stop Failing at Winning

My podcast producer should’ve said, “JEN! You’re too late.”

But that’s not who Phyllis is. Instead, she said, “No problem. We’ll make it happen.”

And in my frenzy to record & upload my weekly podcast, I failed to notice…I was at EPISODE...

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Why were they all so BROKE?

Remember Saturday mornings?

Sitting in the TV’s glow, Froot Loops turning your bowl of milk purply-blue, then slurping that sweet deliciousness down…

Or maybe you were a Cap’n Crunch fan, even though that crap would rip the SHIT out of the roof o’your mouth because...

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Why I’m Sorry Was Never Enough

“I’m sorry” should be enough, right?

But when I’m pissed off, “I’m sorry” is simply NOT ENOUGH for me!

Turns out, I’m the worst person to apologize to.

Let me back up. I’d noticed a horrible little pattern -

When my family or friends offered...

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Are you missing an ingredient from the BUSINESS RECIPE?

This habit of mine - it’s not just the time & money. It costs energy too…

Here’s the situation: say there’s something you’re pretty good at -

but you keep doing trainings, workshops, or certifications on that exact thing you’re already pretty good at...

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The #1 Reason Why Women Can't Grow Their Business
One of my favorite tools to give WOMEN business OWNERS the TIME freedom they CRAVE!
If you've been hustling, overworking, and trying to "MANAGE TIME'...
you're never going get into the flow - and time will always elude you.
Here's one of my FAVORITE WAYS to help you DO LESS and HAVE MORE......
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Creative Projects Aren't Always Easy... But Keep Going
You're in the middle of a project - and think it's GARBAGE.You're just gonna TRASH IT -Or put it back in that folder and wait for more inspiration...
You think -
No one NEEDS this drivel. It's TOO SIMPLE!
OR - It's TOO one will understand it.
RIGHT? Wrong -
Whatever you're...
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Why I Broke Up With This Copywriter

There are two types of people in the world:

First up are the people who are totally comfortable having those little red indicator numbers all over their phone.

Me? I’m the second one – a person who dreams of inbox ZERO.

Nothing unread. Everything responded to – or filed.


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My addiction to the invisible finish line

I’ve got a little habit that’s becoming an ugly addiction - 

I could put a stop to it…but I’m simply not doing much about it.

Around 9:15ish every night, I give a big yawn & say G’night to my husband & son –

They’re eager to start watching...

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Can we pretend this never happened?

I wanted to pretend that COVID wasn’t happening.

Back in late February 2020, when COVID was starting to become part of everyday life in the US –

I wondered if I should mention it in my content…

I thought This is going to go away soon.

Do I want to address it in a blog someone...

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Her anxiety was more than just a pain in the ass

The job had been dropped in her lap accidentally. She was sure of it.

Muddling through her new position as Director of Client Relations, Rachael waited to be found out for the fraud she was.

Her anxiety ripped into high gear. It was hard to sleep –

But sleep was all she wanted to do....

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What fresh hell is next – and when will I get a damn BREAK?

Every night I’m eating chips. I’m not even hungry! Why am I doing this?

I just want to stop drinking at night. But every night, I’m pouring myself a glass.

I’m snapping at my kids. I hate myself – and I think they hate me.

I’m embarrassed that I know the UPS...

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Unfortunately, I dreamed of being RICH RICH RICH!

It’s 1959 & your husband has unexpectedly died. You have two sons – 9 & 12.

Being a single woman in 1959, you don’t have an education or many options.

You go to work doing the only work you think you’re qualified for: cleaning at a local nursing home.

This is my...

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