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Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

The story that kept her stuck for 20 years!

She was irritated with and disappointed in her husband. Again.

For her birthday she wanted to try a new place in town.  She set them up to go – reservations & a sitter – even though she knew he wouldn’t enjoy it.

Then she got stuck in her...

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Talking myself onto the ledge...of an 80-foot tree!


SO – here’s the truth: I don’t enjoy doing things I don’t know how to do already. I'm a A self-proclaimed Non-Adventurer.

If things are physically hard or uncomfortable or fear-inducing, I’m usually OUT.

No thanks. ...

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How she knew her marriage was over

A friend had been hanging on to her lifeless, lonely marriage for a while. For lots of reasons.

She was so unhappy – so was her hubs.

I asked, “Where were you with this a year ago?”

She stared at me: “Exactly where I am now.”


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My superpower is NOT mental masturbation

For years, I had a low sense of worth in the workplace.

What was I good at? What was my “special sauce”? What was my Superpower?

I was constantly intimidated by the visionaries in my midst.

You know the type: the people who think big, original thoughts.

They ask, “What...

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Three steps to deal with the piano that just fell on your head

I watched the blood bubble form on my right index finger. Time slowed down.

Should I throw the needle away and pretend none of this happened?

Go to Public Safety and report the incident?

The Universe has a way of whispering to us, tapping us on our shoulders,...

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Have you hit a wall?

She is a force of nature. Writing a book. Building her business. Developing her community.

Her job? She helps women discover their voice and step into leadership.

She is a shark: moving constantly and getting stuff D.O.N.E.

Her energy is endless. Others marvel at...

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The time-mastery strategies my clients love to hate

She looked at me sadly. She was frazzled, scattered, chaotic, tired, overwhelmed, frustrated.

It was Session 3, and there was disappointment in her eyes.

She hired me to help her “get her sh*t together”.

Like many clients, time was her worst enemy &...

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When there's nothing left to give..Part Deux

Last week I told the story of Liz’s burnout.

Here’s the story of my burnout.

I was hopeless. I had to keep churning forward & giving more. Why? Because – dammit – that’s what was expected of me!

I had nothing left to give. I was...

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When there's just no more to give - Part One

For today’s story, you need to know 3 things:

  1. Diane, 59-years-old, bullies her sister Liz every day.
  2. Their mom, 92, suffers with dementia & serious physical disabilities.
  3. Liz is an over-giver.

Liz constantly replays the interactions with her sister in...

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The question that banished my burnout

I vowed to myself I’d never teach again. I was burned out.

It wasn’t the under-the-desk texting. [Dude! Put your hands ON the desk!]

It wasn’t the pay. [Shit. I’ve done harder work for no money. See – ‘parenting’.]


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Why you can be right - or happy!

Twelve-weeks pregnant, I stood there with my mouth agape.  What my brother-in-law said had knocked me over.

I was caught up in the throes of telling an obviously entertaining and compelling story – definitely snarky, probably complaining, certainly...

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The one thing my tween did NOT want to hear...

This morning, I tore up one side of my ten-year-old son. Then tore down the other.

He seethed. I seethed. We shot daggers from our eyes at one another.

We’re firmly implanted in his tween years – and are experiencing some new highs and new lows.


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