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Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

What will you no longer put up with?

I did not want to have kids.

My mom & dad had kids.  Obv.   And we were giant pains in the ass. Life seemed really hard. And stressful. I didn’t want my life to be like that.

Fast Forward to my first date with John, after 4 years of platonic...

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Have you become the frog?

A Typical Day:

-Wake up, 3am. Realize I’ve only slept 4 hours, panic. Get pissed.

-Mentally review my to-do list, ensuring I cannot get back to sleep.

-Fall asleep at 5:50am for 45 fitful minutes before the 6:30 alarm.

Grab my phone to open my...

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You don't deserve that reset button

I lay in bed at 9:30pm as Jack, 10-years-old, waltzes into my room and looks at me with…

Judgment. Sadness and…Concern – but for what?

Hands on his skinny hips, he demands, “Why aren’t you two talking to each other?”

Phone in...

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What to do when you can't breathe

I don’t know what I want. All I know is I can’t breathe. I just want to breathe again.

Some variation of this theme shows up in my conversations with clients, friends, and strangers about 5 times a week.

People feel tight. Constricted. Heavy. BUT!...

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When being nice was bullshit

The sign on the wall said, “BECAUSE NICE MATTERS”. I’d look at it, groan inwardly, thinking, “Bullshit.”

Being nice is overrated. Why does nice matter?  I literally didn’t believe in being nice. Nice is annoying.  ...

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I'm scattered & frayed - and it's costing me...

I’m not paying attention lately. And it’s costing me time.

Here’s what it feels like:

I’m constantly five steps ahead in my mind…everywhere. All the time. For every attempt to reign in my  brain, there is another attempt that...

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I was addicted to asking "How?"

Written on

When you have to pee, 3 minutes is a loooooong time. That’s how long I stood outside the bathroom at the salon for an appointment I was already late for.

With irritated, irrational thoughts, working myself into a lather.

Then a thought struck: try the door.


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Working hard to like my old self

“Jennifer Grimm Liddy is…

  • Tired of the snow.
  •  Sick of my two-year-old whining.
  •  DONE having to make dinner every night.

Remember when Facebook first came out, it prompted you to post something in that manner?

Jennifer Grimm Liddy is...

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Your brand new planner will not save you


I felt frazzled, scattered, chaotic, tired, overwhelmed, frustrated.

I needed to “get my shit together”. Time was my worst enemy & made me feel like…

  • A failure because I lost the race every day.
  • A hopeless mess because I never...
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Happy Effing New Year!

Written January 1, 2018

Do you remember your 2017 Resolution?

Me neither. Mine was likely something about giving up sugar, getting in shape, and losing weight. It’s  been the same damn thing for most of my adult life.

Truth is, resolutions are boring.  Goals are boring. They kind...

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The sex talk & breaking patterns
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I was fat on my dream vacation

So. I was fat on my vacation.

I knew about this vacation for months. It was 7 years in the making, and I wanted it to be amazing.

And I was fat on my vacation.

I wanted to experience everything there was to experience in Hawaii and do ALL. THE. THINGS.

I wanted...

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