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Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

Stop the overwhelming Whack-A-Mole strategy in your business!

Being a solopreneur, you have to wear all the hats.

You take care of one thing and then another thing shows up.

It doesn’t matter if you get one thing done, you end up having another thing show up right after.

It’s like a constant game of Whack-A-Mole.

One great example of this is...

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Why webinars felt sleazy to me

I need to be honest with you...

For 2 years, I’ve put off doing The Webinar.

If you’re in the online space at all, you know webinars are a routine & important part of business.

But I didn’t want to do one. It somehow felt sleazy to me - EVEN THOUGH I TAKE WEBINARS ALL THE...

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Is The Race To "Six-Figures" Worth it?

When you log onto social media, you can be bombarded with tons of messaging about how "you can make it to six-figures". Everyone scrambling, and hustling to get to this magical number that's representative of their income. 

They preach what's GOING to work for you. 

The perfect business...

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How I Stopped Asking My Husband for Permission

I looked at my husband and said, “I need your opinion.” His ears perked up - I had his full attention.

“Do you think we’ll make it?” I asked, wanting him to soothe my worries about my business succeeding.

He looked at me - wanting to give me the answer I desperately...

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The EASIEST Strategies to Motivate You to Take Action

I’m a time traveler.

Sometimes when I’m working with a client, she’ll be frustrated with herself or a situation. She’ll be angry that she’s not moving faster or that a conflict is keeping her stuck.

And then I simply ask, “Hey, last year at this time - how...

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How a Full-Time Mom FOUND TIME to Grow Her Business & Made Money Doing It

When a 9-year-old has a business idea, you listen up. But do you take them seriously?

Jenny Murphy’s daughter told her, “Someone should invent something to help people take better selfies…”

And Jenny became enough to jump jumped in & research how to bring the idea to...

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3 Small Changes & You Can Have Your Perfect Day

I had the perfect day yesterday.

 When was the last time YOU said that - on a weekday?

 Here’s how I did it & how YOU can do it too…

My Mindset 

When I was a teacher, Monday was incredibly stressful. So stressful, that I would think about calling out and how to get...

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How To Make Life Easier

I just want to go play golf on a Wednesday afternoon.

This was from a dude who owns a small, local brick & mortar business. He’s makes a nice living from his company and has a good team of people to help him.

But he can’t take any time off without his staff giving him a hard time....

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Here's Why You Don't Deserve Time Off

Clients kept telling me, It just doesn’t feel the same without you here.

Lordy, lordy, the guilt was setting in fast!

I’d been working from 5am ‘til early evening at the fitness studio I owned, a schedule that was starting to create deep cracks in my armor.

Running on empty,...

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Why don’t you have what you want?

Most of us chalk it up to not having the time.

Life’s busy. The to-do list is looooong.

I used to act like the longer my to-do list was, the more honorable I was.

  1. Was. Busy.

Maybe you’ve heard that saying, “I’m busy” is a choice - but my clients don’t really...

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Why You Can Stop Listening to Logic

It took Katy Jeremko SIX YEARS to make her dream come true…

While she was waiting for that to happen, she…

  • worked at NASA.
  • traveled all over the world.
  • collaborated on BIG, IMPORTANT programs.


But none of that was what she really wanted.

Meet Katy - a product designer in...

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How to Find People Who’ll Pay What You’re Worth

Imagine your car charger IS NOT WORKING…

And the battery on your phone is at 4% 

It’s all RED up there in the corner; panic’s settling into your brain.

Even though for YEARS you drove around without any phone because that shit was something you’d only seen available...

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