Listen to the Content Creation Made Easy Podcast

Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

Secrets of Effective Content Creation

There’s a meme going around that says, You’re cordially invited to a very special Zoom -

And the next pic is NOOOOOOOO!

I’m living for shit like this right now, because…any kind of online thing - holiday concert, artisanal craft fair, a New Year’s Eve party…...

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Make Room For Solutions TO Come Into Your Life & Business with Raechelle Johnson entrepreneur interview

Rae is the The Solution Architect (How freaking perfect is that title, btw?) - an Innovative Strategist & International Speaker who basically teaches you how to stop your problems from slapping you in the face.

And create a simplified approach to usher GOOD stuff into your life &...

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What to do when you have no idea what’s wrong

I come home & everyone wants a piece of me. I AM SO SICK OF IT!

Meet RJ - a client who didn’t know exactly what was wrong - only that SOMETHING was keeping her miserable. 

She felt exhausted & overwrought, every night -

and she’d come home to her family & be SO...

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2 RIDICULOUSLY EASY Strategies For More Organic Reach On Facebook


I'm talking about visibility and how to be more seen.

It's really, really hard to do when you feel like you're working so hard on your content and maybe you're even being consistent and you're showing up but like you're getting nothing.

No comments.
No likes.

I want you to know it's not...

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Being disorganized doesn’t mean you’re unsuccessful: Busting myths about goals, habits, & willpower

“What are you doing for fun right now?” This from my friend Jennifer, looking for ideas for herself.

Ummmm. Ugggg. This question stops me dead. FUN? Welllllll….

I’m definitely NOT the person to go to for advice on fun.

You’re probably doing cool FUN stuff like...

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Busting Myths About Goals Habits, & Willpower with Barbara Trapp entrepreneur interview

Should you be “more organized?

Do you look at organized people & think there’s something wrong with you?

Meet Barbara Trapp, certified professional organizer & coach, helping people make SPACE - in easy, realistic ways that work FOR YOU.

If being organized has ever eluded you,...

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2 Practical Strategies for More Money

Oh my God, she said. I couldn’t even charge for tutoring! I feel so bad asking parents to pay me!

This from a new friend - a teacher on hiatus, home raising her 18-month-old daughter.

She’d asked about my business, fascinated by the whole thing: my programs, marketing, pricing -


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How to get what you want in 2021

Thanksgiving 2020 started out with me sobbing, out of nowhere, on the couch next to my husband.

Neither John NOR I had any idea what was going on!

WHY was I crying? I wasn’t quite feeling sadness.

Is this malaise? Everything’s so MEH, you know?

Thanksgiving was one loooooong ass day...

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The VISIBILITY Lie That Too Many Women Tell Themselves


so I don't need to PUT IT OUT there into the world.

Welcome to the ^^BIG BIG LIE**

This story - thought - lie - belief...

THIS is one of the best places we hide in our business.

We think about all the people who DON'T need us...

and we get scared or...

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How to get to YOUR next level

She looked at me with all seriousness & said, “What if everyone wants me on their stage? Who’ll take care of my family?”

This from a client juuuuuust dipping her toe into starting a business as an author - who also wants to be a speaker on the stage.

She was quite far from...

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Do I have ADHD? - The brilliant yet misunderstood entrepreneur

Read this description & tell me who it reminds you of:

She feels flashes or moments of brilliance & genius but can’t string enough of them together to stand up to the expectations to keep going.

It reminds me of many incredible women I know.

Brave. Brilliant. Bold.



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Your Mind is Crushing Your Income: How to charge high-end prices

What if I told you I charged $175/hour? Or $500?

What if I told you I don’t leave the house for less than $1500 a day? Or that the fee for a day is $9500?

If you’re not currently charging high-end prices, you might roll your eyes in disgust at these numbers.

Or judgment. Envy. Even...

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