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Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

I Don't Want To Be Annoying

‘That is SO annoying.’

^^This was my brilliant commentary on any situation. 

The phrase followed me everywhere as a default thought.

  • The co-worker obsessing about her on-again/off-again relationship with her partner? So annoying!
  • The sticky SHIFT key on my keyboard? So annoying!...
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Here’s exactly what your audience needs to hear

My perfect client, Betsy, has a big problem. She’s an expert. With a TONNNNNN of certifications, trainings, & experience.

What’s the problem? Well - No one really knows what Betsy does.

Her friends use air quotes when they talk about “her business”.

Her followers like...

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How to Create a Better Introduction - and why you need one!

Back in the day, my hubs was an exec - and I never LIKED the idea of his business-building nonsense.

Remember, I was a teacher: Go to school. Come home. Grade papers. The end. 

He’d “have to” go out for drinks, dinner, or golf tournaments. 

I’d roll my eyes HARD....

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Am I too dumb to do marketing?

Even before COVID struck, there’s always been a lot of


marketing tactics you’ve been running from like your hair’s on fire!

If you haven’t figured out how to attract clients, it’s not your fault.

People HATE marketing - they...

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Are you ZOOMED out?

Remember the lyrics to that early-90s classic, Rump Shaker?

Come ONnnnnn - you know it! It’s a classic…

“All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom…”

I’ve been thinking about that song a lot this week because, I’ve gotta admit:

I'm zoomed OUT. I’M...

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How she built her business - in 5 steps

How do you generate courage to move through the hard shit going on in your world and design a life you WANT -

even though the thought is terrifying?

Welcome to Allison Mitura’s quest!

She likes to say, “Yoga SAVED me” - and her dream was to share it with everyone.

BUT - creating...

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REAL Secrets & TRUE lies - why connecting works!

The day I turned 30, I slipped on the icy back porch & joked my hip was broken because I was now so old.

The entire month leading up to that day was filled with DREAD & WORRY. I left my birthday party early to pout & sulk - like a total jerk.

I held SO MANY expectations for my 30s -...

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The Technology No One WANTS - a story of email BS & lies

I’m sitting among 80+ college freshmen in a giant lecture hall at SUNY Fredonia, my undergrad alma mater.

It’s 1988. Dr. Chilberg’s my favorite professor - from up in the nosebleed section, I see he’s rocking big dark glasses & a salt-n-pepper closely-cropped afro.


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Put Down the Firehose: 3 tips to help your audience digest your message

Here’s this week’s helpful take-away so you don’t have to scroll to the bottom.

We think we need MORE…

What we actually want is BETTER.

Would you believe me if I told you, for your business - & life - you don’t have to do MORE to make it better?



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Am I too dumb to do marketing?

If you haven’t figured out how to attract clients, it’s not your fault.

There’s a lot of OMG-are-you-seriously-freaking-doing-that! marketing tactics out there you’re probably avoiding.

So much so that some people tell me they’d rather stay stuck where they are than...

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Blobby Brown is helping me write this

It’s basically summer here. 46 degrees on February 23 in Syracuse, NY!

Like a total badass, I walked around all day without a coat or socks.

My desk, facing 3 giant, ancient windows, is cleared off- ready for work.

These windows are 115-years old - and if you stand close to them,...

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What happened when Real Erica showed up

Doubt crept in. And Erica was hiding.

She had the perfect excuses, -ahem, I mean reasons- to NOT grow her business…

Not enough time. Not enough know-how.

But the NUMERO-UNO reason she lurked in the shadows of her own business?

It's terrifying to be seen

You get it - what if someone...

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