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Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

What happens when people ask, "What do you do?"

I know that you've been on the receiving end of this. 

You ask somebody what they do, or you're at an event, and people have to introduce themselves, and there are those people who go on and on and on, and they just never get out anywhere or the people who don't engage you at all. When we...

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The breakDOWN before the breakTHROUGH: Why I wasn’t being productive in my business marketing advice

Do you ever feel like everything you want to bring to life in your business takes sooooo freakin’ long?

Not only is there just a lot to do to make something real…

But the struggle of having to sort through too many ideas is real & has been plaguing me for MONTHS now. 


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Ugh! Why does everything take so long? content creation made easy
You have a lot of ideas - and you just want them out of your head.
But instead of it all coming together, you can’t seem to get them out into the world.
Whatever it is: a program, a course, some content, a lead magnet - it’s all living in a swirl inside your mind…...
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Are You Standing On The Back Of The Line?

When I saw 80 people in line snaked around the store, I literally wanted to drop the two belts, drop the gift certificate, and walk out.

But I knew that I needed the two belts and I knew I needed the gift certificate. And it's a week before Christmas, and I had been lazy and I needed to get them....

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How to stop feeling over-exposed in your marketing content

“Ummm. Miss Grimm? You’re. Like. Bleeding.”

Molly, a sweet 9th grader, timidly raises her hand with this news. 

On my first day EVER of teaching in my own classroom, I’m bleeding through my off-white pantyhose

(OFF WHITE PANTYHOSE! Was it, like, the 80s? Nah....

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Stop feeling so exposed in your content content creation made easy
Have you ever felt like hiding from your content because it feels too invasive or scary to share yourself with your audience?
Are we supposed to give our audience a front-row seat into EVERYTHING we do in our lives?
What if we’re PRIVATE? What if we want a BREAK?
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I've Been Thinking About Your Story

Maybe you've got an epic story or something INCREDIBLE to say.

Maybe you don't. Maybe you think you're nothing special,

or your opinions are not BIG enough, DEEP enough, or important.

Last night I read a book that changed my opinion about OUR STORIES...

And I want to share with you what to do if...

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Why isn’t my content converting my audience to customers?

Sheesh. That’s THE question, right? 

That’s why we’re here: we’re marketing & creating content to increase sales.

It’s NOT an ugly truth. We don’t need to feel bad for wanting to increase sales in our business!  

We’re here to serve...

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The Reason No One is Converting! - LIVE Coaching Session with Matilda Buffum content creation made easy

What’s the point of putting all your delicious content out in the world if no one’s gonna take a bite?

You create content to CONNECT with your audience so you can EVENTUALLY convert them to customers…

Let’s not pretend this isn’t a Big Freakin’ Deal -...

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What If You're Really Creative? marketing advice

Highly creative people tell me they LOATHE planning, so they don't do it. If not planning works for you & gets you the results you're looking for, I say GO FOR IT. But if it's keeping you in a crazed loop of day-to-day scrambling, I have an idea for you to help get you out of that...

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You don’t suck at writing - and other gems about how to be a better copywriter! marketing advice

It’s wildly inappropriate, but Eddie Murphy got me through my miserable teenage years. 

I was 13 when 1983’s Delirious came out on HBO - and I was mesmerized by his stories. Even as a suburban white kid, I related to his joy because 

Like Eddie, I’d beg my mom to...

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You Don't Suck At Copywriting!! with Jazmine West content creation made easy

“I’m just not a good writer! So I hate creating content…” Ummmmm.

Sound like anyone you know?

Copywriting is not optional for creating content of any type - so if you lack confidence in this area, no wonder you find it all such a challenge!

Is it possible to learn this...

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