Listen to the Content Creation Made Easy Podcast

Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

When you burn down the perfect funnel & walk away from a well-oiled machine marketing advice

The online marketer’s dream:

  1. Your perfect funnel works so smoothly & seamlessly that people flow into your program… 
  2. You keep them as raving fans who buy other things you offer…
  3. You learn what works, implementing industry standards set to rinse & repeat.

So when...

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When To Abandon A Formula That Works with Patty Lennon content creation made easy

What would make someone abandon a launch content marketing formula everyone knows “works”?

If content, marketing, launching, funnels, & sales have you wondering about “Is this IT? Is this the way it HAS to be?”

Today’s episode is gonna soothe your soul!

Because -...

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When You're Bottlenecked & Stuck marketing advice

Last week, I took my son on vacation to visit a friend, and so he was off all day, enjoying Florida and doing things. I told myself, I'm just going to sit by the ocean and get a whole bunch of stuff done because I had writing to do, content to create, programs I'm working on, and every day I...

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3 Steps to Getting Better Social Proof, Testimonials, & Reviews for your Business

70% of Estella’s Instagram posts were client testimonials, so I unfollowed her. 

Am I being a jerk? Well…you decide:

Imagine hearing from your favorite person, “YOU are simply fantastic. You’re a gift to this world!”

^^That feels good, right? 

When said...

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Do this BEFORE your next launch - a pre-launch marketing strategy that feels good  marketing advice

 It’s 2014, and I’m the co-owner of a fitness studio, where clients are asking for branded tank tops - like NOW! 

My best friend & business partner Leslie & I take 2 different paths to serve them - 

I go online & order tank tops with our logo on them. DONE....

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Use Pre-Launch Content To Make Your Launch Less Stressful With More Sales with Brenna McGowan content creation made easy
You've been there? The EXHAUSTION after you launch a new product or service?
The absolute "I'm SO SICK of this THING" by the time you get to the open cart phase?
Let's not even talk about the stress, the fear, and the waiting that you're dealing with!
Here's the BIG question:...
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What I'm Afraid Of In My Content facebook live video

Here’s something you don’t know about me? 

That's a prompt that I gave to my membership today. I like to give them little prompts each week to help them dislodge the stuck places in their brain so that they can talk in their content easily. And the question was, here's something...

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What REALLY keeps me from creating content that works marketing advice

“How can I leave them hanging?! How can I tell them they have a problem and not solve it for them?”

These words spew forth from the ruthless inner dictator living inside my client Jennifer Sherwood’s mind. 

Fixing things for others was a hobby Jennifer had perfected in...

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End Overthinking & Perfectionism Keeping You From Having A Kick Ass Business with Jennifer Sherwood content creation made easy
Am I doing this right? Is this OK? I should.. What if... Maybe I need to think about...
If you are OVER the OVERthinking that keeps you from taking action, getting your sh*T done, and living the life you dream about...
Today's episode is for YOU.
You will walk away knowing:
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3 Things So Content Creation Takes Less Time

 Let's talk about how to make content creation actually take less time than I know it's currently taking you. 

Today I saw a comment in a group I'm in where a woman said that it takes her about 10 hours to write one blog post. I felt like that is incredibly unreasonable unless that's a...

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Coming to Terms with How to Do Short Form Content marketing advice

“Give yourself permission to suck at something new.”

This golden nugget came from a great boss of mine in 2009, & I use it weekly.

Aaaaaand - not gonna lie: while giving myself “permission to suck” - DOING something new is really freakin’ hard

Right now,...

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REEL easy short-form content - without dancing or lip-synching!  with Nika Stewart content creation made easy
Like it or not, it’s not going away: short-form content!
Reels, TikTok, YouTube Shorts are here to stay. Get used to it.
But what if you hate dancing? Lip-synching? Think you're too old for the nonsense?
Can you still use this extremely popular content delivery method -...
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